There are about 8 members in the group, with hopefully one or two more in the near future.
We have previously met on a fortnightly basis in the presbytery, but the pandemic has stopped this as about half of the group have been shielding. We are still not yet back to normal but trying to meet about once a month in the parish hall.
We had a monthly coffee morning after the two Sunday Masses, first Sunday in month and hope to restart this as soon as practical.
During the pandemic we have accepted food (via box at back of church) or financial donations and passed these onto the St Vincent Centre in York Road – lower down than the Irish Centre.
Our group is linked to two conferences in Kerala in India, where we send annual contributions referred to as twinnage and have recently completed a project which enabled people in their parish to become self-sufficient, similar to small business grant.
We have a Mini Vinnie group at our Primary School, with a link between 2 of the members and the group leader at school. We are trying to re-establish the link with the group as soon as practical.
During September the SVP nationally raises the profile of the Society; referred to as the awareness month.